The Music Ministry is a diverse group of people who come together to worship in song and to help others in the congregation worship and pray. Professional musicians are joined by the adult choir, children’s choir, youth rock Mass group, and Spanish choir to enhance our worship together.
The volunteer members come from many backgrounds, both with and without previous instruction or experience, but all have a desire to share their love of music with others. Additionally, they help with organizing and distributing sheet music, organizing and setting up for liturgies and planning social events.
How do you know if you should join? Often these calls come from other people; so if you enjoy singing, or anyone has ever turned to you after Mass and said, “You sing beautifully; you should be in the choir,” then perhaps you should! To determine if you have a talent that could be used in the Music Ministry, or for more information, please call Danny Gibbons, the Director of Music, for an appointment at 516-764-0048, Ext 2505.
The Adult Choir typically practices once a week on Thursdays at 7:30 PM and sings at the 11:00 AM Mass on Sundays (September to June), on holy days, during the Easter Triduum, and at other special liturgies. They also participate in the Oceanside Interfaith Thanksgiving Service and perform a Christmas Concert, usually in the week between Christmas and New Years. Their music ranges from ancient chants to contemporary liturgical music, including pieces from the Oregon Catholic Press, the Gregorian Institute of America, the St. Louis Jesuits and Weston Priory.
The Children’s Choir sings twice a month at the 9:30 AM Family Mass. Many members also participate in the annual Christmas Pageant.
The Youth Rock Mass features instrumentalists and singers, ages 14-18, and are incorporated into the Youth Ministry of the parish.
The Spanish Choir, a part of the Hispanic Community, sings at the Spanish Mass, held at 12:45 in the Sacred Heart Chapel. For information, or to join, please speak to the members after the 12:45 Mass.