If you are a young person in high school looking for a caring Catholic community (or if you know someone who matches that description), you have come to the right place!
We at St. Anthony’s realize that teens are not only the future of the church, but are also lively members of the parish community with talents and energies that add greatly to the church of today. The goal of our Youth Ministry program is to empower teens to become strong and confident Catholic Christians who take active roles within their church and community.
Youth Ministry is open to all high school students and begins with the Sunday 5:00 PM Youth Mass in which we celebrate the Eucharist with songs and reflections targeted to youth. Teens serve as Extraordinay Ministers, Lectors, Choir members, Altar Servers, and Ushers in this liturgy which is open to the entire parish.
Our program consists of discussion groups, retreat experiences, service opportunities, fundraisers, leadership training, and special events. We encourage teens and families to approach us with ideas for building a more comprehensive youth ministry program.